A Wren Before Breakfast


 This morning, as I stood at the kitchen sink washing the apple and banana I planned to eat for breakfast, a Carolina Wren flew up and perched on the backdoor handrail. Only a few feet from me, it looked over the porch and surrounding area before flying off.

I was as disappointed as he was that he didn’t spot some tidbit to eat or share with his family. I love birds and small animals. I’m particularly partial to wrens. Maybe I like them because of their brown color, the tail feathers that stick up from their back, or maybe it’s because they’re our state bird. It’s certainly not because of the sounds they make when we sit on the porch and they want to tend their nearby nesting babies. Those sounds are loud and aggravating squawks.

Looking through the window at that beautiful bird caused me delight and wonder. I truly believe the Good Lord intends we enjoy nature. I’ve reached the stage in my life that I have enough time to do just that. I’m thankful.

If you also love birds, I recommend you visit The Cornell Lab of Ornithology.Their website is WWW.AllAboutBirds.org

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